websites design, user-centered design (ux),
copywriting, illustration, 3D, SEO...
target audience, BRAND STRATEGY, CONSULTANCY, NAMING, IDENTITY and brand communication
(2D, 3D, print, packaging, PLV, ENVIRONMENTAL & STORE DESIGN, wayfinding)
advice & support, monitoring & adjustments,
knowledge & control of issues,
continuity of support...
Companies, groups, contractors, partners and customers are converging in their quest to simplify access to offers and centralise services. Whatever the sector, it is becoming difficult to distinguish the real advantages of the different players, as the models are shared and the discourse is unified.
As a result, paradoxically, there is great potential for differentiation of entities and their offers, as long as they are organized and presented from alternatives angles, both relevant and legitimate...
Conception identité graphique et supports de communication : print et web
Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs
MAHERAULT, an approach from the angle of sustainability, i.e. over a time which goes beyond the moment of satisfaction.
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
The development of health actors is complex, with multiple and sometimes contradictory missions, with mobilizing values and multiple stakes... Often highly technical and specialized, the integration of the human being and the critical approach to the patient are the new stakes of a sector which does not pay much attention to positioning and communication, moreover often constrained and regulated, while their audiences, relays, partners, specialists and support functions are diverse and numerous.
Maison Shuho is a place of resources centered on the practice of Shiatsu and Kobido, with practices rich in experience and know-how, marked by a deeply human and singular approach.
Between conventional care and implantology, a dental practice by the sea makes its patients aware of the fragility and care that our teeth deserve.
Patient awareness and pedagogical approach as foundations of identity principles.
To distinguish this document and make it a tool for the hospital, we imagined it didactic by proposing a minimalist solution, with positive and simple contents first.
One of the challenges of this work has been to highlight the scope of the practice's services, which are not limited to pregnancy management, but also include gynecological monitoring, prevention and contraceptive prescription.
A militant neighbourhood pharmacy builds the basis for a strong and sincere bond with its customers.
Innovation in terms of services often finds its ground in the study of the real nature of an offer, i.e. the set of needs satisfied and the intelligence of their sequencing in a given context.
Patient awareness and pedagogical approach as foundations of identity principles.
L'atelier prospectif implements the principles of permaculture design, a resilient system that does not generate waste. Each project is challenged to bring intelligence and a perpetuity perspective. The graphic identity had to convey this ethic.
We worked on definition of the name, the identity system and the stationnery.
mise en oeuvre d’outils et de services de prévention, de surpervision et de détection.
An architectural firm signs the rigor and customization that characterizes it by a precise and efficient timeless identity.
Separation, collection and recovery of bio-waste, to give a second life to the food waste of professionals.
One of the challenges of this work has been to highlight the scope of the practice's services, which are not limited to pregnancy management, but also include gynecological monitoring, prevention and contraceptive prescription.
On the occasion of the 2023 New Year's Eve, a campaign to announce and remind people of COHDA's commitments, in particular the fact that the company is becoming a company with a mission...
Whether of form or substance, the elements of this set are organized to characterize the firm: a serious team and a source of proposals, both creative and appropriate to the contexts.
Product positioning, design and realization of the identity and website of a major European editor in the cybersecurity sector.
Naming, brand identity and webdesign for a cybersecurity pure player
A greeting card to accompany the new name of the Paris Notary's Office: verbal and graphic games...
The firm stands out for its systemic approach to problems and its continuous work to improve and find solutions, without compromising the rigor that characterizes its business and supports its functions delegated by institutions.
Quality of service and customer experience are key factors for loyalty and reputation. It's all a matter of perception: the organization and architecture of each corporate function must be as many echo chambers of its identity fundamentals. It is essential to align as naturally as possible all that characterizes and carries the entity from the point of view of its stakeholders. Transparency and genuine rooting of the action in what motivates it are the main points of effort.
Creation of a simple, very inexpensive and above all effective packaging for the protection and enhancement of Easter eggs.
Designing an identity for a family biscuit factory, anchoring it and participating in the local landscape with a cheerful and dynamic tone.
Redesign of the identity and layout of the sales space.
On the occasion of the opening of a new boutique in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the pastry chef Jean-François Foucher asked us to rethink the principles underlying the JFF brand within a set of constraints, notably ecological.
Christian de Longcamp has designed a display that magnifies the oyster, "the oyster tree". Our work consisted in presenting this object while creating the basis of a visual identity that accompanies the oyster farmer's production.
The operational constraints of the restaurant as a starting point for the identity project and the redesign of the space
Today, design is much more than just an object of interest from the point of view of arts and culture. In these fields as well, new formats are imposed and modify the uses, exchanges and intermediation between audiences and offers open up as many formidable opportunities that they have difficulty in capturing and engaging. The use of design as a tool has become essential from the very definition of the cultural and artistic project. It provides the strategy and the tools to serve the ambitious objectives of these fields.
What a designer imagines possible, calls for a craftsman to make it possible in turn...
Identity, renewal and declination of all the supports each year for an amateur theatre festival.
The festival renews the style of illustration on which its identity is based: risk-taking remains the guiding principle...
A new brochure presenting the year's activities... sign up!
Concevoir une plaquette annuelle pour présenter les activités de la Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture
The sectors of construction and real estate development are competing for clients in an unconstructive way. Nevertheless, this clientele is willing to invest in expensive projects. Standing out from the crowd in those sectors is possible. It requires to identify and develop the criteria and capacities that their customers will be sensitive to.
An architectural firm signs the rigor and customization that characterizes it by a precise and efficient timeless identity.
Ein Architekturbüro zeichnet die Strenge und Individualität aus, die es durch eine präzise und effiziente zeitlose Identität charakterisiert.
In order to respond to major markets, the Helia group tasked us to recast the BERTAGNOLIO identity, and to point its relationship with the other companies of the group (for example FRANCE MAISON BOIS).
Um auf die großen Märkte zu reagieren, hat uns die Helia-Gruppe beauftragt, die Identität von BERTAGNOLIO neu zu gestalten und die Beziehung zu den anderen Unternehmen der Gruppe (z.B. FRANCE MAISON BOIS) aufzuzeigen.
Convince their clients of their technical mastery and seriousness in the construction of their wooden house, while being clearly distinguishable from their competitors.
Überzeugen sie ihre Kunden von ihrer technischen Meisterschaft und Seriosität beim Bau ihres Holzhauses und heben sie sich dabei deutlich von ihren Konkurrenten ab.
Design and realization of the identity and website of a consulting firm with a dual approach between architecture and engineering.
Eine Identität, die auf dem dualen Ansatz aufgebaut ist, der das Büro charakterisiert.
Redesign of the identity of a regional family business.
Neugestaltung der Identität eines regionalen Familienunternehmens.
Identity design, products and branding
Identitätsdesign, Produkte und Branding
These projects draw their resources from the commitment of the actors they mobilise and often from the interest that their actions have for a wider public. This resource is not infinite and many projects compete for it. Optimizing the drivers of this commitment and defining the mechanisms that ensure the sustainability of the action over the long term are key to their success.
We chose the fin and all the symbolism that goes with : stability and direction to accelerate, choose a common and desired trajectory. The fin is marriage, that kind of detail that is not seen but that changes everything.
Identité graphique pour le Cherbourg Club Aviron De Mer
The expression of the richness of territories and the quality of the interactions they implement are often limited to simplistic and reductive approaches, echo chambers of marketing clichés due to ignorance of the potentials and even the risks that this entails.The enhancement of the complexity of the territory and the creation of a contextualized "common" are intimately linked. They are carried out in a continuum of actions and projects that should also be considered for their part of long-term usefulness, under the aegis of an ambitious vision for the community...
A document to promote the agglomeration — a land of contrasts, full of vitality.
A new poster series responding to very specific issues that relate to the functions depending on the qualifications, the related decisions, or where to find some information ... These messages are addressed to all aircraft mechanics.
How can a city be considered as a young, sporty, and busy little town by the sea, in a way to attract families with kids looking for activities, and young people from the cities nearby for good time ?
The technology sector invests little effort in consolidating its concepts. These players, focused on the technical aspects of their products and services, are logically driven by their prowess. Often for the sake of convenience, they choose to share with their competitors the same clichés hung on the intrinsic values of the technologies they master. However, they only last for a short time, pushing everyone in a race for performance and renewal, without any real capitalization on the intangible level. Credibility, trust and loyalty are the keys to success.
A French cybersecurity start-up reconsiders and recasts its identity.
Identity system and various applications for a scale-up publisher of SAAS-type services (software as a service).
Product positioning, design and realization of the identity and website of a major European editor in the cybersecurity sector.
To distinguish and characterize SEKOIA's challenges of a volatile, complex and ambiguous world, we chose to base on the convictions and the long-term vision, far from the images expected of a futuristic technology or of a world beset on all sides.
An identity, its applications and a website for experienced European pureplayers and cyber experts offering cyber defence federated into a single technology suite.
Identity is to a company what a knife is to your pocket:
an indispensable multifunctional tool such as a Swiss Army knife, as useful as it is intelligent, or on the contrary an object as useless as a dull blade, even dangerous when badly designed.
The difference between these two extremes lies in the relevance of the intentions and in the quality of the work upstream of their design. Establishing a strategy is the prerequisite for the development of efficient identity systems, with multiple functions and specific to each project. Establishing a strategy is above all « shaping" to decisions, and giving oneself the means to ensure their consequences...
Redesign of the identity of a regional family business.
Neugestaltung der Identität eines regionalen Familienunternehmens.
We worked on definition of the name, the identity system and the stationnery.
Wir haben an der Definition von Name, Identitätssystem und Briefpapier gearbeitet.
One of the challenges of this work has been to highlight the scope of the practice's services, which are not limited to pregnancy management, but also include gynecological monitoring, prevention and contraceptive prescription.
Eine der Herausforderungen dieser Arbeit bestand darin, den Umfang der Dienstleistungen der Praxis hervorzuheben, die sich nicht auf die Schwangerschaftsbetreuung beschränken, sondern auch die gynäkologische Überwachung, die Prävention und die Verschreibung von Verhütungsmitteln umfassen.
bax, ambitious pastry, made possible by utopian gourmands.
bax, ambitious pastry, made possible by utopian gourmands.
Identity redesign
Identität neu gestalten
Product positioning, design and realization of the identity and website of a major European editor in the cybersecurity sector.
Produktpositionierung, Konzeption und Umsetzung der Identität und der Website eines bedeutenden europäischen Herausgebers im Bereich der Cybersicherheit.
How can a city be considered as a young, sporty, and busy little town by the sea, in a way to attract families with kids looking for activities, and young people from the cities nearby for good time ?
Wie kann eine Stadt als eine junge, sportliche und geschäftige Kleinstadt am Meer betrachtet werden, um Familien mit Kindern auf der Suche nach Aktivitäten und junge Leute aus den umliegenden Städten für eine gute Zeit anzuziehen?
To distinguish and characterize SEKOIA's challenges of a volatile, complex and ambiguous world, we chose to base on the convictions and the long-term vision, far from the images expected of a futuristic technology or of a world beset on all sides.
Um SEKOIAs Herausforderungen einer unbeständigen, komplexen und mehrdeutigen Welt zu unterscheiden und zu charakterisieren, haben wir uns dafür entschieden, uns auf die Überzeugungen und die langfristige Vision zu stützen, weit entfernt von den Bildern.
The festival renews the style of illustration on which its identity is based: risk-taking remains the guiding principle...
Das Festival erneuert den Illustrationsstil, auf dem seine Identität beruht: Risikobereitschaft bleibt das Leitprinzip...
On the occasion of the opening of a new boutique in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the pastry chef Jean-François Foucher asked us to rethink the principles underlying the JFF brand within a set of constraints, notably ecological.
Anlässlich der Eröffnung einer neuen Boutique in Neuilly-sur-Seine bat uns der Konditormeister Jean-François Foucher, die der Marke JFF zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien innerhalb einer Reihe von Vorgaben, insbesondere ökologischer Art, neu zu überdenken.
Whether of form or substance, the elements of this set are organized to characterize the firm: a serious team and a source of proposals, both creative and appropriate to the contexts.
Ob in Form oder Inhalt, die Elemente dieses Sets sind so organisiert, dass sie die Firma charakterisieren: ein seriöses Team und eine Quelle von Vorschlägen, die sowohl kreativ als auch den Kontexten angemessen sind.
Patient awareness and pedagogical approach as foundations of identity principles.
Patientenbewusstsein und pädagogischer Ansatz als Grundlagen von Identitätsprinzipien.
Separation, collection and recovery of bio-waste, to give a second life to the food waste of professionals.
Sortierung, Sammlung und Verwertung von Bioabfall, um den Lebensmittelabfällen von Berufstätigen ein zweites Leben zu geben.
Redesign of the identity and layout of the sales space.
Neugestaltung der Identität und des Layouts des Verkaufsbereichs.
Conception identité graphique et supports de communication : print et web
Conception identité graphique et supports de communication : print et web
A French cybersecurity start-up reconsiders and recasts its identity.
Ein französisches Start-up-Unternehmen im Bereich Cybersicherheit überdenkt seine Identität und gestaltet sie neu.
Identity, renewal and declination of all the supports each year for an amateur theatre festival.
Identität, Erneuerung und Ablehnung aller Unterstützungen, die jedes Jahr für ein Amateurtheaterfestival gewährt werden.
Naming, global design.
Namensgebung, globales Design
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
Neugestaltung der Identität, um Zugang zu einer neuen Typologie von Märkten zu erhalten und die verschiedenen Tochtergesellschaften in der gleichen Entwicklungsdynamik zu vereinheitlichen.
Identity system and various applications for a scale-up publisher of SAAS-type services (software as a service).
Identitätssystem und verschiedene Anwendungen für ein Start-up-Unternehmen, das Dienstleistungen vom Typ SAAS (Software as a Service) herausgibt.
Convince their clients of their technical mastery and seriousness in the construction of their wooden house, while being clearly distinguishable from their competitors.
Überzeugen sie ihre Kunden von ihrer technischen Meisterschaft und Seriosität beim Bau ihres Holzhauses und heben sie sich dabei deutlich von ihren Konkurrenten ab.
On the occasion of the 2023 New Year's Eve, a campaign to announce and remind people of COHDA's commitments, in particular the fact that the company is becoming a company with a mission...
anlässlich der Neujahrsgrüße für das Jahr 2023 eine Kampagne zur Ankündigung und Erinnerung an die Verpflichtungen von COHDA, insbesondere an die Tatsache, dass das Unternehmen zu einem Unternehmen mit Aufgabenstellung wird...
Identity system and various applications
Identitätssystem und verschiedene Anwendungen
An architectural firm signs the rigor and customization that characterizes it by a precise and efficient timeless identity.
Ein Architekturbüro zeichnet die Strenge und Individualität aus, die es durch eine präzise und effiziente zeitlose Identität charakterisiert.
The firm stands out for its systemic approach to problems and its continuous work to improve and find solutions, without compromising the rigor that characterizes its business and supports its functions delegated by institutions.
Die Firma zeichnet sich durch ihre systemische Herangehensweise an Probleme und ihre kontinuierliche Arbeit zur Verbesserung und Lösungsfindung aus, ohne dabei die Strenge zu beeinträchtigen, die ihr Geschäft kennzeichnet und ihre von den Institutionen delegierten Funktionen unterstützt.
L'atelier prospectif implements the principles of permaculture design, a resilient system that does not generate waste. Each project is challenged to bring intelligence and a perpetuity perspective. The graphic identity had to convey this ethic.
L'atelier prospectif setzt die Prinzipien des Permakultur-Designs um, ein belastbares System, das keinen Abfall erzeugt. Jedes Projekt ist herausgefordert, Intelligenz und eine Perspektive der Dauerhaftigkeit einzubringen. Die grafische Identität musste diese Ethik vermitteln.
Naming, brand identity and webdesign for a cybersecurity pure player
Namensgebung, Markenidentität und Webdesign für einen Cybersecurity-Pure-Player
An identity, its applications and a website for experienced European pureplayers and cyber experts offering cyber defence federated into a single technology suite.
Eine Identität, ihre Anwendungen und eine Website für erfahrene europäische Pureplayer und Cyber-Experten, die Cyberabwehr anbieten, vereint in einer einzigen Technologiesuite.
What a designer imagines possible, calls for a craftsman to make it possible in turn...
Was ein Designer für möglich hält, erfordert einen Handwerker, der es wiederum möglich macht...
In order to respond to major markets, the Helia group tasked us to recast the BERTAGNOLIO identity, and to point its relationship with the other companies of the group (for example FRANCE MAISON BOIS).
Um auf die großen Märkte zu reagieren, hat uns die Helia-Gruppe beauftragt, die Identität von BERTAGNOLIO neu zu gestalten und die Beziehung zu den anderen Unternehmen der Gruppe (z.B. FRANCE MAISON BOIS) aufzuzeigen.
Design and realization of the identity and website of a consulting firm with a dual approach between architecture and engineering.
Eine Identität, die auf dem dualen Ansatz aufgebaut ist, der das Büro charakterisiert.
Between conventional care and implantology, a dental practice by the sea makes its patients aware of the fragility and care that our teeth deserve.
Zwischen klassischer Pflege und Implantologie sensibilisiert eine Zahnarztpraxis am Meer ihre Patienten für die Zerbrechlichkeit und die Pflege, die unsere Zähne verdienen.
Digital design for a coworking studio
Digital design for a coworking studio
Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs
Positionierung, Namensgebung, Design des Identitätssystems, Anwendungen auf eine breite Palette von Bedürfnissen
MAHERAULT, an approach from the angle of sustainability, i.e. over a time which goes beyond the moment of satisfaction.
MAHERAULT, an approach from the angle of sustainability, i.e. over a time which goes beyond the moment of satisfaction.
mise en oeuvre d’outils et de services de prévention, de surpervision et de détection.
mise en oeuvre d’outils et de services de prévention, de surpervision et de détection.
Christian de Longcamp has designed a display that magnifies the oyster, "the oyster tree". Our work consisted in presenting this object while creating the basis of a visual identity that accompanies the oyster farmer's production.
Christian de Longcamp hat ein Display entworfen, das die Auster, "den Austernbaum", vergrößert. Unsere Arbeit bestand darin, dieses Objekt zu präsentieren und gleichzeitig die Grundlage für eine visuelle Identität zu schaffen, die die Produktion des Austernzüchters begleitet.
Identité graphique pour le Cherbourg Club Aviron De Mer
Identité graphique pour le Cherbourg Club Aviron De Mer
A militant neighbourhood pharmacy builds the basis for a strong and sincere bond with its customers.
Eine militante Nachbarschaftsapotheke bildet die Grundlage für eine starke und aufrichtige Bindung zu ihren Kunden.
Clarifying or defining a concept means formulating the project so that the articulation of its characteristics, including its driving principles, provides a combination of expected effects, such as making the offer or activity desirable, possible and viable in a given context. More than a synthesis of the contours and assets of the project, this work gives it shape, power and longevity at the same time. At the crossroads of business strategy, human factors and the more or less formulated rules that frame and define uses, this work places the user or the main parties to the project at the centre of the questioning, both in the study of their expectations, perceptions and behaviours, as well as the interactions that guide them.
The operational constraints of the restaurant as a starting point for the identity project and the redesign of the space
Die betrieblichen Zwänge des Restaurants als Ausgangspunkt für das Identitätsprojekt und die Neugestaltung des Raums
Redesign of the identity and layout of the sales space.
Neugestaltung der Identität und des Layouts des Verkaufsbereichs.
A militant neighbourhood pharmacy builds the basis for a strong and sincere bond with its customers.
Eine militante Nachbarschaftsapotheke bildet die Grundlage für eine starke und aufrichtige Bindung zu ihren Kunden.
A document to promote the agglomeration — a land of contrasts, full of vitality.
Ein Dokument zur Förderung der Ballungsgebiete. — ein Land der Kontraste, voller Vitalität.
Identity redesign
Identität neu gestalten
Identity functions of the new building in the spotlight
Identitäts-Funktionen des neuen Gebäudes im Rampenlicht
Products and services are small worlds in themselves, complex as they must be at once different, relevant, effective, explicit and engaging through the combination of their technical characteristics, their suitability to needs, their ease of use and, finally, their ability to satisfy us. In fact, behind the design of products and services lies above all work on the combination of a set of effects, rather than a design "of objects" in the strict sense. For it is indeed an experience (to be lived) that the user will retain from use, and this is the whole purpose of the design process, to create and direct this effect.
To distinguish and characterize SEKOIA's challenges of a volatile, complex and ambiguous world, we chose to base on the convictions and the long-term vision, far from the images expected of a futuristic technology or of a world beset on all sides.
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
Whether of form or substance, the elements of this set are organized to characterize the firm: a serious team and a source of proposals, both creative and appropriate to the contexts.
A new poster series responding to very specific issues that relate to the functions depending on the qualifications, the related decisions, or where to find some information ... These messages are addressed to all aircraft mechanics.
The operational constraints of the restaurant as a starting point for the identity project and the redesign of the space
Patient awareness and pedagogical approach as foundations of identity principles.
On the occasion of the opening of a new boutique in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the pastry chef Jean-François Foucher asked us to rethink the principles underlying the JFF brand within a set of constraints, notably ecological.
A militant neighbourhood pharmacy builds the basis for a strong and sincere bond with its customers.
Identity system and various applications for a scale-up publisher of SAAS-type services (software as a service).
Naming, brand identity and webdesign for a cybersecurity pure player
Naming distinguishes — some forget it, more or less subtly, more or less effectively. A name designates and signifies, can anchor the initiative, unify it, suggest its intention, codify its orientation, carry its promises, characterize its resources, indicate its field, sign its relevance, refer to its history, etc. The name is a handful to grasp the concept and a thread to pull to reveal its richness. The name is above all an important tool: (re)defining it is an opportunity to be considered and often to be seized.
Redesign of the identity of a regional family business.
Neugestaltung der Identität eines regionalen Familienunternehmens.
To distinguish and characterize SEKOIA's challenges of a volatile, complex and ambiguous world, we chose to base on the convictions and the long-term vision, far from the images expected of a futuristic technology or of a world beset on all sides.
Um SEKOIAs Herausforderungen einer unbeständigen, komplexen und mehrdeutigen Welt zu unterscheiden und zu charakterisieren, haben wir uns dafür entschieden, uns auf die Überzeugungen und die langfristige Vision zu stützen, weit entfernt von den Bildern.
Maison Shuho is a place of resources centered on the practice of Shiatsu and Kobido, with practices rich in experience and know-how, marked by a deeply human and singular approach.
Maison Shuho ist ein Ort der Ressourcen, der sich auf die Praxis von Shiatsu und Kobido konzentriert. Die Praktiken sind reich an Erfahrung und Know-how und zeichnen sich durch einen zutiefst menschlichen und einzigartigen Ansatz aus.
Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs
Positionierung, Namensgebung, Design des Identitätssystems, Anwendungen auf eine breite Palette von Bedürfnissen
Naming, global design.
Namensgebung, globales Design
Designing an identity for a family biscuit factory, anchoring it and participating in the local landscape with a cheerful and dynamic tone.
Eine Identität für eine Familienkeksfabrik entwerfen, sie verankern und durch einen verspielten und dynamischen Ton an der lokalen Landschaft teilhaben lassen.
Identity system and various applications
Identitätssystem und verschiedene Anwendungen
We worked on definition of the name, the identity system and the stationnery.
Wir haben an der Definition von Name, Identitätssystem und Briefpapier gearbeitet.
bax, ambitious pastry, made possible by utopian gourmands.
bax, ambitious pastry, made possible by utopian gourmands.
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
Neugestaltung der Identität, um Zugang zu einer neuen Typologie von Märkten zu erhalten und die verschiedenen Tochtergesellschaften in der gleichen Entwicklungsdynamik zu vereinheitlichen.
The firm stands out for its systemic approach to problems and its continuous work to improve and find solutions, without compromising the rigor that characterizes its business and supports its functions delegated by institutions.
Die Firma zeichnet sich durch ihre systemische Herangehensweise an Probleme und ihre kontinuierliche Arbeit zur Verbesserung und Lösungsfindung aus, ohne dabei die Strenge zu beeinträchtigen, die ihr Geschäft kennzeichnet und ihre von den Institutionen delegierten Funktionen unterstützt.
Naming, brand identity and webdesign for a cybersecurity pure player
Namensgebung, Markenidentität und Webdesign für einen Cybersecurity-Pure-Player
How can a city be considered as a young, sporty, and busy little town by the sea, in a way to attract families with kids looking for activities, and young people from the cities nearby for good time ?
Wie kann eine Stadt als eine junge, sportliche und geschäftige Kleinstadt am Meer betrachtet werden, um Familien mit Kindern auf der Suche nach Aktivitäten und junge Leute aus den umliegenden Städten für eine gute Zeit anzuziehen?
Everything in a body communicates, directly, indirectly, and sometimes in spite of itself! The structuring and running of a project or, on another scale, of an organization, already says a lot about its characteristics, its intentions, its commitment and the care it takes in what it undertakes... Communicating begins by being aware of the quantity of indicators offered to judge — a saying that goes "what we do speaks for us". Effective communication therefore applies to a wide range of fields, and calls for a mastery that takes place over time and adapts to the moment.Communicating is oriented, organised, prepared, declined and adapted without ever losing sight of long-term objectives, to the attainment of which each action contributes like another brick on a wall to be built. The result depends more on the relevance of the plan and the fundamentals on which to build, than on the verve and preferred channels of your best salesperson!
Naming, brand identity and webdesign for a cybersecurity pure player
A document to promote the agglomeration — a land of contrasts, full of vitality.
Redesign of the identity of a regional family business.
The festival renews the style of illustration on which its identity is based: risk-taking remains the guiding principle...
We worked on definition of the name, the identity system and the stationnery.
Designing an identity for a family biscuit factory, anchoring it and participating in the local landscape with a cheerful and dynamic tone.
A new brochure presenting the year's activities... sign up!
Identity, renewal and declination of all the supports each year for an amateur theatre festival.
Identity system and various applications for a scale-up publisher of SAAS-type services (software as a service).
Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
Separation, collection and recovery of bio-waste, to give a second life to the food waste of professionals.
On the occasion of the 2023 New Year's Eve, a campaign to announce and remind people of COHDA's commitments, in particular the fact that the company is becoming a company with a mission...
Concevoir une plaquette annuelle pour présenter les activités de la Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture
A militant neighbourhood pharmacy builds the basis for a strong and sincere bond with its customers.
Identité graphique pour le Cherbourg Club Aviron De Mer
A new poster series responding to very specific issues that relate to the functions depending on the qualifications, the related decisions, or where to find some information ... These messages are addressed to all aircraft mechanics.
To distinguish this document and make it a tool for the hospital, we imagined it didactic by proposing a minimalist solution, with positive and simple contents first.
How can a city be considered as a young, sporty, and busy little town by the sea, in a way to attract families with kids looking for activities, and young people from the cities nearby for good time ?
The digital impact and penetrates our lives more and more. Our round trips between the real and the immaterial erase their borders as our terminals replace the real spaces of exchange. These "meta-habits" are stronger and more perennial every day than our loyalty to products and services, most of which are very ephemeral. Our relationship to their value, and to the value of the work we do, is evolving and, speaking of technology or uses, it is even becoming normal that what works one day may well no longer work the next.
At the heart of this permanent revolution: users, their needs and opportunities. From the website to the business tool, from uses to re-invented relationships, digital technology is shaking itself up in a race between technology and human factors... To study the latter is to access the keys to understanding, input and projection in order to take advantage of these means and to follow these changes on purpose.
Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs
MAHERAULT, an approach from the angle of sustainability, i.e. over a time which goes beyond the moment of satisfaction.
What a designer imagines possible, calls for a craftsman to make it possible in turn...
Naming, brand identity and webdesign for a cybersecurity pure player
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
On the occasion of the 2023 New Year's Eve, a campaign to announce and remind people of COHDA's commitments, in particular the fact that the company is becoming a company with a mission...
Design and realization of the identity and website of a consulting firm with a dual approach between architecture and engineering.
Product positioning, design and realization of the identity and website of a major European editor in the cybersecurity sector.
An identity, its applications and a website for experienced European pureplayers and cyber experts offering cyber defence federated into a single technology suite.
A French cybersecurity start-up reconsiders and recasts its identity.
Conception identité graphique et supports de communication : print et web
mise en oeuvre d’outils et de services de prévention, de surpervision et de détection.
The operational constraints of the restaurant as a starting point for the identity project and the redesign of the space
Maison Shuho is a place of resources centered on the practice of Shiatsu and Kobido, with practices rich in experience and know-how, marked by a deeply human and singular approach.
Beyond the layout and the set of choices it calls for, the design of any printed document opens up a wide range of possibilities as there are so many possible materials and processes, but above all as there are so many experiences to offer in combination with the formats, the sensations to be procured (visual effects, touch, smell, noise...) and the chronology of discovery. The use of these resources makes it possible to work on the contents and to reinforce the capacity of the printed vector to convey messages beyond words and images. Print remains a potential Trojan horse, still capable in the digital age of opening the doors of the fortresses to be conquered…
Identity, renewal and declination of all the supports each year for an amateur theatre festival.
Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs
The firm stands out for its systemic approach to problems and its continuous work to improve and find solutions, without compromising the rigor that characterizes its business and supports its functions delegated by institutions.
The festival renews the style of illustration on which its identity is based: risk-taking remains the guiding principle...
Whether of form or substance, the elements of this set are organized to characterize the firm: a serious team and a source of proposals, both creative and appropriate to the contexts.
Identité graphique pour le Cherbourg Club Aviron De Mer
In order to respond to major markets, the Helia group tasked us to recast the BERTAGNOLIO identity, and to point its relationship with the other companies of the group (for example FRANCE MAISON BOIS).
Concevoir une plaquette annuelle pour présenter les activités de la Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture
To distinguish and characterize SEKOIA's challenges of a volatile, complex and ambiguous world, we chose to base on the convictions and the long-term vision, far from the images expected of a futuristic technology or of a world beset on all sides.
Christian de Longcamp has designed a display that magnifies the oyster, "the oyster tree". Our work consisted in presenting this object while creating the basis of a visual identity that accompanies the oyster farmer's production.
How can a city be considered as a young, sporty, and busy little town by the sea, in a way to attract families with kids looking for activities, and young people from the cities nearby for good time ?
We chose the fin and all the symbolism that goes with : stability and direction to accelerate, choose a common and desired trajectory. The fin is marriage, that kind of detail that is not seen but that changes everything.
One of the challenges of this work has been to highlight the scope of the practice's services, which are not limited to pregnancy management, but also include gynecological monitoring, prevention and contraceptive prescription.
Separation, collection and recovery of bio-waste, to give a second life to the food waste of professionals.
On the occasion of the opening of a new boutique in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the pastry chef Jean-François Foucher asked us to rethink the principles underlying the JFF brand within a set of constraints, notably ecological.
Patient awareness and pedagogical approach as foundations of identity principles.
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
A French cybersecurity start-up reconsiders and recasts its identity.
Convince their clients of their technical mastery and seriousness in the construction of their wooden house, while being clearly distinguishable from their competitors.
Design and realization of the identity and website of a consulting firm with a dual approach between architecture and engineering.
An architectural firm signs the rigor and customization that characterizes it by a precise and efficient timeless identity.
Conception identité graphique et supports de communication : print et web
Between conventional care and implantology, a dental practice by the sea makes its patients aware of the fragility and care that our teeth deserve.
An identity, its applications and a website for experienced European pureplayers and cyber experts offering cyber defence federated into a single technology suite.
A greeting card to accompany the new name of the Paris Notary's Office: verbal and graphic games...
Identity system and various applications for a scale-up publisher of SAAS-type services (software as a service).
To distinguish this document and make it a tool for the hospital, we imagined it didactic by proposing a minimalist solution, with positive and simple contents first.
Designing an identity for a family biscuit factory, anchoring it and participating in the local landscape with a cheerful and dynamic tone.
A document to promote the agglomeration — a land of contrasts, full of vitality.
A new poster series responding to very specific issues that relate to the functions depending on the qualifications, the related decisions, or where to find some information ... These messages are addressed to all aircraft mechanics.
We worked on definition of the name, the identity system and the stationnery.
Redesign of the identity of a regional family business.
Maison Shuho is a place of resources centered on the practice of Shiatsu and Kobido, with practices rich in experience and know-how, marked by a deeply human and singular approach.
The packaging is so significant that it sometimes erases the use value of the product that it "conditions" more than it protects. Initially adapted to the distribution channels, the pack is an effector on the buyer before, during and after the acquisition.
Today, questioned in this drift and on its impacts, the pack must forget its habits to focus intelligently on its primary role and its contextualized functions - the "greener" pack is just a way of not changing anything! Its future can be more ambitious, adjusting to the needs and opportunities of smaller scales and above all far from standards.
We worked on definition of the name, the identity system and the stationnery.
Redesign of the identity of a regional family business.
Naming, brand identity and webdesign for a cybersecurity pure player
How can a city be considered as a young, sporty, and busy little town by the sea, in a way to attract families with kids looking for activities, and young people from the cities nearby for good time ?
Maison Shuho is a place of resources centered on the practice of Shiatsu and Kobido, with practices rich in experience and know-how, marked by a deeply human and singular approach.
To distinguish and characterize SEKOIA's challenges of a volatile, complex and ambiguous world, we chose to base on the convictions and the long-term vision, far from the images expected of a futuristic technology or of a world beset on all sides.
Designing an identity for a family biscuit factory, anchoring it and participating in the local landscape with a cheerful and dynamic tone.
Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs
The firm stands out for its systemic approach to problems and its continuous work to improve and find solutions, without compromising the rigor that characterizes its business and supports its functions delegated by institutions.
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
The definition of a sales and service area aims to purposefully direct the experience offered to consumers in the act of purchase, just as a workspace aims to put its users in the best position to be efficient, motivated and protected. The place is approached as much from the point of view of its identity functions as from the point of view of its structural and operational functions for the optimization of production and service, the highlighting of products and the perception of the value and qualities of the entity and the framework it offers.
On the occasion of the opening of a new boutique in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the pastry chef Jean-François Foucher asked us to rethink the principles underlying the JFF brand within a set of constraints, notably ecological.
Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs
A militant neighbourhood pharmacy builds the basis for a strong and sincere bond with its customers.
The operational constraints of the restaurant as a starting point for the identity project and the redesign of the space
Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.
The goal of a workshop is proofing and stabilizing existing ideas or concepts of the participants. Fishing from a pool of questions, tools, and templates and benefitting from an exchange of experienced and creative mindset helps to orient and shape the project while reducing friction at an early stage. Throughout the workshop the human needs, the technological feasibility and the economic viability will take an important position.
We offer workshops fitting to your needs and conditions to bring your project or idea forward. To know more about the price, duration and conditions, take a view to this project.