
is a transdisciplinary agency for strategy and design.


The overall goals :

REVEAL & exploit development OPPORTUNITiES


chattermark est une agence transdisciplinaire de stratégie et de design pour
définir les cONCEPTS
& donner corps aux PROJETS

avec l'objectif de

RévéLer & exploiter les OPPORTUNITés
de développemenT


résoudre les PROBLèMeS
qui l'entraveNT.

chattermark — eine interdisziplinäre Agentur für Strategie und Design
definiert Konzepte
& Realisiert ProjektE.

Priorität hat dabei das
erkennen & verwerten von EntwicklungsChancen
und das
ANpacken Der Probleme, die diese Entwicklung behindern.

We design and build the "vehicle" needed to carry out the project.
we develop identity solutions & strategies that we envision as development tools,
aligned, integrated & often combined to serve business functions.

Pour concevoir et construire le "véhicule" nécessaire à la réalisation du projet,nous élaborons des solutions et stratégie identitaires que nous envisageons comme des outils du développement, aligné, intégré et souvent combinés pour servir les fonctions de l’entreprise.

Um das projektspezifische "Fahrzeug" entwerfen und bauen zu können,
Entwicklen wir Lösungen und Identitätsstrategien, die  als Entwicklungswerkzeuge Dienen. Diese werden Mit den FirmenStrategien  abgestimmt, integriert und kombiniert.

We support managers and teams to create, develop and renew their projects.
WE create & transform,always on purpose.

Nous accompagnons dirigeants et équipe pour créer, développer et renouveler leur projet.
créer & transformer, toujours à desseIN.

Wir begleiten Manager und Teams bei der Anpassung von Maßnahmen in einem Prozess,
schaffen & transformieren
immer  Absichten–Orientiert.

Project Overview


MAHERAULT, Manufacture of solid wood parts

MAHERAULT, an approach from the angle of sustainability, i.e. over a time which goes beyond the moment of satisfaction.

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Naming, brand identity and webdesign for a cybersecurity pure player

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BAX pâtisserie

bax, ambitious pastry, made possible by utopian gourmands.

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marketing studies and recommendations

On the occasion of the 2023 New Year's Eve, a campaign to announce and remind people of COHDA's commitments, in particular the fact that the company is becoming a company with a mission...

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Cybersecurity solutions for OT

Product positioning, design and realization of the identity and website of a major European editor in the cybersecurity sector.

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The ultimate game-changing idea!

Separation, collection and recovery of bio-waste, to give a second life to the food waste of professionals.

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MJC 2022-23

Votre double vie commence ici

Concevoir une plaquette annuelle pour présenter les activités de la Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture

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Strategy & design for the creation of an industrial group

Positioning, name definition, identity system design, applications for a wide range of needs

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Maison Marie

Biscuit & sport

Designing an identity for a family biscuit factory, anchoring it and participating in the local landscape with a cheerful and dynamic tone.

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I + A Laboratoire des structures

A design office founded by engineers and architects.

Design and realization of the identity and website of a consulting firm with a dual approach between architecture and engineering.

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Conception identité graphique et supports de communication : print et web

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The place to be (at work)

Digital design for a coworking studio

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Cherbourg Club Aviron De Mer

Cherbourg Club Aviron De Mer

Identité graphique pour le Cherbourg Club Aviron De Mer

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CT Square

mise en oeuvre d’outils et de services de prévention, de surpervision et de détection.

mise en oeuvre d’outils et de services de prévention, de surpervision et de détection.

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Maison Shuho

A place of resources to regain health and vitality

Maison Shuho is a place of resources centered on the practice of Shiatsu and Kobido, with practices rich in experience and know-how, marked by a deeply human and singular approach.

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Federated, open and sovereign cyber defence.

An identity, its applications and a website for experienced European pureplayers and cyber experts offering cyber defence federated into a single technology suite.

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La Fleurathèque | Web Design

Artisan florist

Redesign of the website

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Real-time analysis of endpoints to detect and neutralise invisible cyber attacks.

A French cybersecurity start-up reconsiders and recasts its identity.

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A European cybersecurity vendor whose mission is to develop the best protection capabilities against cyber attacks.

Identity system and various applications for a scale-up publisher of SAAS-type services (software as a service).

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Possible Possible

Ecommerce Web platform

What a designer imagines possible, calls for a craftsman to make it possible in turn...

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Atelier prospectif

Sustainable architecture

L'atelier prospectif implements the principles of permaculture design, a resilient system that does not generate waste. Each project is challenged to bring intelligence and a perpetuity perspective. The graphic identity had to convey this ethic.

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marketing studies and recommendations

Identity system and various applications

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JFF — pastry chef

Packaging for one, two or three easter eggs

Creation of a simple, very inexpensive and above all effective packaging for the protection and enhancement of Easter eggs.

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Dr Panassier & Vago

Dental Surgeons

Between conventional care and implantology, a dental practice by the sea makes its patients aware of the fragility and care that our teeth deserve.

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Associated notaries

Naming, global design.

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Identity redesign

An architectural firm signs the rigor and customization that characterizes it by a precise and efficient timeless identity.

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Cotentin Public Hospital

Identity redesign

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La Fleurathèque

Artisan florist

Redesign of the identity and layout of the sales space.

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Artisan painter

Identity design, products and branding

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Carpentry | Framework | Space fittings

Redesign of the identity of a regional family business.

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Au petit vatel

Restaurant almost traditional

.The time to be taken.

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Pharmacie de la grande delle

An activist pharmacy

A militant neighbourhood pharmacy builds the basis for a strong and sincere bond with its customers.

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Business intelligence & entrepreneurial support

The firm stands out for its systemic approach to problems and its continuous work to improve and find solutions, without compromising the rigor that characterizes its business and supports its functions delegated by institutions.

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Sleeping days

Sleeping Days

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Rosette Audition

Interior design


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Identity functions of the new building in the spotlight

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MJC Cherbourg

House of Youth and Culture


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Direction interrégionale des services pénitentiaires secteur Grand Ouest

Promotion of hygiene in the prison environment


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Business & Stakes

We worked on definition of the name, the identity system and the stationnery.

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Les téméraires

Amateur theatre meetings 2019

The festival renews the style of illustration on which its identity is based: risk-taking remains the guiding principle...

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Les téméraires

Amateur theatre meetings 2014-2018

Identity, renewal and declination of all the supports each year for an amateur theatre festival.

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Design Thinking

Assistance in the form of a workshop

We offer workshops fitting to your needs and conditions to bring your project or idea forward. To know more about the price, duration and conditions, take a view to this project.

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Ils se jettent à l'eau...

Wedding card and other printed matter...

We chose the fin and all the symbolism that goes with : stability and direction to accelerate, choose a common and desired trajectory. The fin is marriage, that kind of detail that is not seen but that changes everything.

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Médiathèque Marin-Marie

Community of Communes of Saint-Hilaire-de-Harcouët


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New Year — greeting card

A greeting card to accompany the new name of the Paris Notary's Office: verbal and graphic games...

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Christian de Longcamp

The oyster tree

Christian de Longcamp has designed a display that magnifies the oyster, "the oyster tree". Our work consisted in presenting this object while creating the basis of a visual identity that accompanies the oyster farmer's production.

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Sophie Foucher


One of the challenges of this work has been to highlight the scope of the practice's services, which are not limited to pregnancy management, but also include gynecological monitoring, prevention and contraceptive prescription.

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Maison des Jeunes

Programme 2017-2018

A new brochure presenting the year's activities... sign up!

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A graphic identity for a company specialized in construction and finishing works

In order to respond to major markets, the Helia group tasked us to recast the BERTAGNOLIO identity, and to point its relationship with the other companies of the group (for example FRANCE MAISON BOIS).

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Dr Baudin-Josseaume

Orthodontic Global Approach

Patient awareness and pedagogical approach as foundations of identity principles.

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Smile labo

With a smile, we can...

How to down play surgical!

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Summmmmmmmer Hours

How can a city be considered as a young, sporty, and busy little town by the sea, in a way to attract families with kids looking for activities, and young people from the cities nearby for good time ?

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Builder of wooden houses and buildings

Convince their clients of their technical mastery and seriousness in the construction of their wooden house, while being clearly distinguishable from their competitors.

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Hospitalization at Home: "You are here at home"!

To distinguish this document and make it a tool for the hospital, we imagined it didactic by proposing a minimalist solution, with positive and simple contents first.

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Communauté Urbaine de Cherbourg

Aglomeration information

A document to promote the agglomeration — a land of contrasts, full of vitality.

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Pâstry Chef

On the occasion of the opening of a new boutique in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the pastry chef Jean-François Foucher asked us to rethink the principles underlying the JFF brand within a set of constraints, notably ecological.

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Sylvie Royer

Architecture & Functionalism

Whether of form or substance, the elements of this set are organized to characterize the firm: a serious team and a source of proposals, both creative and appropriate to the contexts.

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French Air Force

Airworthiness Poster Campaign

‍A new poster series responding to very specific issues that relate to the functions depending on the qualifications, the related decisions, or where to find some information ... These messages are addressed to all aircraft mechanics.

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Cyber Security

To distinguish and characterize SEKOIA's challenges of a volatile, complex and ambiguous world, we chose to base on the convictions and the long-term vision, far from the images expected of a futuristic technology or of a world beset on all sides.

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(Almost) traditional restaurant

The operational constraints of the restaurant as a starting point for the identity project and the redesign of the space

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Redesign of the group's identity to access a new typology of markets, and to unify the different subsidiaries in the same development dynamic.

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here are contents for the curious, so

