Chattermark is a multidisciplinary agency to carries and articulates strategy, design, implementation and support throughout the phases of the projects to be developed.
Chattermark helps project holders and fast-growing organisations to conduct projects through original insights, to find coherence, clear vision and means of action to transform offers and find developpement opportunities.
Chattermark brings together the skills,
openness and creativity necessary to lead each project throught its strategic development, design, implementation and throughout its follow-up over time.
From brand global system to services or product design, we root tailored solutions in the project singularities to reveal and make the most of its essence and strengths.
On an approach based on design,
we respond to three essential needs of companies and project holders:
• we advise, from primary consulting to global strategy,
• we design, from minimalist packaging to complex brand system,
• we solve, from simple fonctionnal issues to frictions at the company level.
We mainly engage global processes, even when tasked on parts of the project realisation, aligning investments and initiatives in a necessary and optimal continuum.
Design needs intentions provided by the strategy, and an oriented framework which limits the implementation. Application must apply the strategy just as adjustments require understanding it, in order to reorient, redesign and implement the project in an intelligent continuity.
We define concepts, made of organized sets of solutions and functions that meet relevant needs to reach the projects objectives. This has to be done throught the exploitation of the ressources and the contraints defined by each singular project framework and context.
During processes based on analysis and adapted to each situation, we focus on understanding the objectives and identifying the development opportunities offered by the project framework in order to propose relevant insights and ambitious strategies.
Strategy steps conduct to clear orientations for the concept to be set, validated options and design directives.
Projects we worked for at the strategy level :
Design steps lead us to define concept architecture
and global principles of the final deliverable :
• substance of the concept — Big idea, project achitecture, consistancy & verbal orders, namings, base lines, key mes- sages and synthetic formulations,
• shape — Relevent enchoring, visual environement, interfaces, hierachy of elements and guidelines for their applications,
• use — Strong adequacy, organisation, interactions & ways to act, applications & touch points, defined chronologies.
This work is carried out with a concern for coherence and optimization, in particular in the perspective of priority applications, while considering the portability of the principles to new supports, new forms of services or extensions of activities.
Design steps deliver the concept structure, elements and guidelines, ready to be implemented.
Projects we worked for at the strategy and design level :
The application of the concept consists in developing or finalizing the different elements necessaryto the concept.
chattermark applies and declines the principles in the prioritized realization of the toolsand the implementation of the means of action that the development of the concept will have prior define.
Each realization, each brick of the concept is part of a controlled continuum: the project comes to life, the project gains strength.
Application steps provide the necessary tools to bring the concept to life.
Projects we worked for at the strategy, design and application level :
chattermark develops launch strategies, finalizes standards and guidelines and builds synergy around the project.
We ensure the coherence of the concept at work, and take a critical look at the tested elements in order to adjust them to the design.
We advise objectively and provoke the necessary dynamics to place and maintain the project on the best trajectory.
Support ensures the control and the nessessary adjustment of the concept in its application through time.
Projects we worked for at the strategy, design, application and support level :